August 2014
I had recently accepted the responsibility of serving on the Board of Advisors for a new venture being built from within India, and was working with the cofounders to build on their initial team plus suitable Advisors, as we grew the venture in line with our vision to build a global brand.
In the process, we met one individual (highly respected in the sector with immense knowledge and clout) who asked if we ever intended to expand to Europe and the West whilst working on our plans of ‘world domination’… only to then point out that the initial version of the logo had a short form resembling a Swastika. (I was also involved with the Co-founders in the initial phase, when the logos were designed; so yes, it was not a warm feeling to realize that we had managed to overlook this branding thought).
The logo was rediscussed with a finer view, with short form logo scrapped ‘ASAP’ post the meeting, and things went on with the venture.
January 2015
Around 11 PM IST, Jan 20, 2015, Ajay Chaturvedi & I had just wrapped up an international Concall, post which Ajay offered to share an excerpt of his first book which he had penned down in a record ‘7 days’, sometime in 2014, when he found he couldn’t keep the book within him any longer.
I received this the very night, and given it was just 16 pages long, and I am usually up working/ reading till 2 AM IST most of the days, I just decided to wrap it up then and there. The pace was maddening, and there was no putting the excerpt down. To be honest, all I could imagine was a movie being made on the book (There, I said it – predicting this will happen).
It was 1:30 AM & I usually practice enough restraint to wait till morning the next day before calling up most individuals… but I ended up whatsapping Ajay to check if he was up and whether we could have a quick call. Thankfully he was, and a few seconds later I was calling him to share that what he had on his hands was incredible and that he had to get the book out no matter what (Ajay had till then persevered through a dozen odd publisher rejections, and some serious time negotiating clauses, in the process of making his first book come to life).
Present Day
Ajay, being the individual that he is, kept on persevering and his book ‘Turiya Tales : Lost Wisdom of The Swastika’ is now out for the world to get acquainted with the Swastika that truly is.
The book is a roller coaster ride, and gives you an insight into spirituality and the benign power that resides within each one of us – no matter which religion, race or social class one might be born into. As you flip through the pages, you will trip on some thought provoking insights as you start seeing patterns in your daily life, the routines that make up your space and time axes, for what they are and how we perceive them.

A great work is one which impacts individuals long after they have come in touch with it. Presented in fiction – as with most masters, Ajay has made the book just simple enough to be understood by those who seek to understand, but not more.
Ajay’s book is highly recommended and a must read for all in quest of wisdom, carrying within them the courage to examine the status quo and hold arguments objectively, with the freedom to not necessarily accept all views put forward.
“Aapko Turiya Avastha Praapt Ho” / “May the Fourth State be with You”
The book is currrently available for order at : Amazon & Flipkart
p.s. : If you are in touch with, and close to, Christopher Nolan, or Ang Lee, you might wish to gift them a copy too.
Full disclosure :
Ajay is a dear friend, and I have had the honor and pleasure of working & partnering with him on multiple initiatives – I was also involved in sharing feedback & insights during final proofing of book, post which the book was shared forward for printing. Honoring multiple commitments, Ajay is also amongst the chosen Brand Ambassadors for FARO, where I advise and hold equity.
More on Ajay & his incredible work, dated as of now, here : Ajay Chaturvedi : The Outstanding Speakers’ Bureau