Happened to watch this video sometime back. (One of the few good things in favour of spending long hours, days… and months on FaceBook!)
It got me worked up enough to tweet about this the entire day that followed, ‘tweeting’ way beyond human limits!
At last count, I had managed to pull some 400+ odd tweets; and spread the video on FaceBook (FB) like fire.
Result: Some 15+ odd friends in my FB network shared it within the next day, with approx 4-5 comments on an average, and quite a few likes on the shared link. I could not track beyond that, but I did get this gut feeling that the message would make its way through my 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree connections (refer Human Web) within that week itself.
Almost a year back, I remember logging onto the ‘Zen Garden’ section by Subroto Bagchi,and reading this interview: In Conversation with Patu Keswani (Founder, Lemon Tree Hotels) – Forbes India Felt good to know about the 4% guys he had figured into his scheme of things for Lemon Tree.
If you read the article closely: “Guiding Principles: It’s very simple equation — my job is to take care of the employees, the employees’ job is to take care of the guests and guests would then take care of the returns” makes for good business sense. But does the same apply when you factor in Inclusiveness, with people with special needs forming part of your team?
I got my answer some 7 months back when I happened to be in Mumbai for an official trip (May 2010): ITC Grand Central (Parel, Mumbai) has a person, at the Luggage check in counter, with physical disability. They surely are sending out a very positive message by placing these individuals at Customers First point of Contact.
OK, lets have a quick show of hands!
[polldaddy poll=4216305]
So now what?
I would urge all those who have their own Enterprises, or are in power to bring about change in their Organizations, to work towards empowering such individuals and to make opportunities available to them.
* What goes around comes around… *
Not only does this add towards the Organization’s CSR initiative, but also helps create an environment wherein the different stakeholders can see the company’s stand on equal opportunities firsthand, which I believe is a good thing.
An environment where people contribute to the best of their abilities and which they are proud of; isn’t that the kind of culture Organizations dream of building into their system?
Like I said… What goes around comes around.
How the Organization makes use of its people will, of course, have to be worked at. Might not come easy, but definitely something worth mulling over.
(Having worked with Infosys Technologies Ltd. in the early years of my work life, I can actually imagine the kind of response and awareness that one can create by implementing such initiatives, thus setting the tone and inspiring others to do the same.
Building Culture into an organization does not come easy, but it definitely helps you keep the edge).
p.s.: If you happen to be a (/know any) ‘Genuine’ Social Organization catering to the differently abled; feel free to reach me. I might be able to help you with your Branding and Marketing efforts, and also help improve the Organizational Processes.
And yes… you don’t have to pay me for this.