Ever Been In Such A Rush That You Nicked Your Face?

So I had the opportunity, again, to meet up with Yinglan Tan, a much valued friend and a fabulous fabulous human being, towards the close of the second day of TiEcon Delhi 2012.

We had the opportunity to discuss a few things, but as I close on my work tonight, I can’t help but go back to the most important chat we had that day:

Yinglan : “So tell me Monce, have you ever been in such a rush to reach where you wanted to reach, that you couldn’t wait to finish your shave and nicked your face in the process?”

Me (already lost in thought during the conversation but experiencing one of the best feelings while answering this): “I missed my dinner once… I missed breakfast a few times… * ” (trying to analyze  the strange feeling, and back to being even more lost in thought now…)

* And trust me, it was true: It was only during I was already en-route somewhere that I realized I had forgot to have my dinner that particular day!

For those who are trying to find meaning in the above lines, just try to think of the times you were doing something that you really wanted to do (stuff that makes the real ‘you’ come alive), and rest everything (time, place, everything!) fades into the background.

Yinglan, it’s always such a pleasure to meet and learn from you, each and every interaction.

Night 2:45 AM and inspired, a good day coming to an end…

One of those days when I really need a Shave!

p.s.: That’s me above – on one of the days I really do need a real bad shave.

Got similar experiences to share?  Would love to hear from you in the comments below.